What Expected Benefits Does Clinical Pilates Provide?

A treatment in the form of rehabilitation that focuses on the restoration of normal movement, posture and muscle balances within the body is the clinical pilates. It targets the specific areas in the body to improve both overall mobility and function. Take note that the primary goal of clinical pilates is to promote healing and preventing individuals from re-injury.

When you decide to visit a Clinical Pilates & Clinic in Adelaide, you will have access to these following services:

  1. Spinal Pain Treatment

Article 125 300x201 - What Expected Benefits Does Clinical Pilates Provide?Clinical pilates exercises are likely for you if you are suffering from an ongoing back or neck pain. You will finally get to move at each segment of your spine as the exercises facilitate segmental spinal mobility. It will significantly decrease stiffness and hence, pain. Strengthening surrounding muscles and posture is also one of the focuses of the treatment. It is not only to offload pressure on the spine but to prevent stiffness or pain from reoccurring as well.

  1. Benefits for Athletes

Athletes recovering from injury are the people that commonly use Clinical Pilates & Clinic in Adelaide. These professionals assist injured athletes from their first rehab exercises until their return to sport. Aside from that, it is also used in preventing injuries by assessing the posture and movement of the athlete. Also, to improve muscle balances and control as well as to enhance performance and eliminate the potential of injury, they will encourage the client to start performing sport-specific exercises.

  1. Pregnancy

There are various changes in hormone levels during pregnancy. Those changes can affect the posture and can result in musculoskeletal pain. So to avoid it, you must continue to perform the gentle exercises that your physio provides that fit your stage of pregnancy. During pregnancy and birth, the lower abdominal and pelvic floor muscles of new mothers weaken. Fortunately, clinical pilates can help on strengthening it back.

A common side effect following pregnancy is abdominal diastasis or the separation of the abdominal wall. In strengthening the lower abdominals and facilitating the realignment of the abdominals, several clinical pilates exercises can help.

  1. Postural Retraining

Poor posture is usually the cause of the majority of aches and pains you feel in your body. However, in changing your posture, we all know that it will take a lot of concentration, and sadly, it rarely happens in reality. Fortunately, you will find your posture back by stretching and lengthening tight muscles and strengthening weaker postural muscles with the help of your physio.

  1. Surgery

Ideally, you must strengthen the surrounding muscles before surgery as it can help your body during recovery. Keep in mind that the muscles at your incision site tend to weaken following surgery. Thus, you may experience a decrease in movement through the area. So for you to experience speedy recovery, don’t hesitate to seek Clinical pilates rehabilitation.